Officials elected in the County and Municipal Elections directly affect the quality of your daily life: They oversee County and Township services including:
Emergency Services
Trash & Recycling
Parks & Recreation
Legal documents (deeds, wills, marriage, business licenses, etc..)
Building Permits & Inspection
Local Taxes
Township Commissioners: 4 are up for election this year
The Board of Commissioners of Springfield Township meets on the second Wednesday of every month for the purpose of conducting the general business of the Township including: township budget; hiring police officers and other Township employees; overseeing library, parks & recreation, sanitation, streets, zoning, public works and facilities, community development and public safety. They are elected by ward for 4 year terms.
Springfield Township School Board: 5 are up for election this year
The School Board is responsible for establishing school policies, the annual budget, levying taxes, approving expenditures, setting school calendar, and overseeing curriculum changes.The Board is also responsible for employing the superintendent and approving contracts with teachers as well as other employees of the school district.
Magisterial District Judge, Springfield Township District Court: 1 up for reelection in 2023.
Magisterial district courts are involved in both the civil and criminal arenas. In criminal matters, a magisterial district court judge handles preliminary hearings, summary offenses and, in some counties, arraignments. They handle all traffic cases, minor criminal cases, and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000.
Three Commissioners govern Montgomery County: they appoint the department heads, all county employees, and most members of the various boards, authorities, and committees. Sitting as the Salary Board with the Controller they establish the salaries of all employees. The Commissioners manage county property; prepare, adopt and execute annual budgets; set property tax rates, both real and personal, for county purposes; maintain county roads and bridges; and supervise the Court House and other county operated facilities. Commissioners are elected for 4-year terms. By law, each of the Republican and Democratic political parties must have at least one Commissioner -- the two of one party receiving the highest and second (or third) highest number of total votes and the one of the other party receiving the third (or second) highest number of total votes become the Commissioners.
County Row Officers: All (except Jury Commissioners) are up for reelection in 2023
Every four years Montgomery County voters select officials to serve as the heads of various offices, which are collectively called “the Row Offices.”
Clerk of Courts maintains and processes all criminal court records; collects bail money and returns it to the surety after court action is completed; assesses and collects court costs and restitution amounts and distributes those funds to the appropriate municipal, county, and state offices and restitution victims; and maintains miscellaneous records relating to election districts and the appointment of election officials, constables, and private detectives.
Controller oversees the county government’s finances; processes county payments; prepares and issues financial reports; investigates allegations of fraud; and maintains records and documents concerning county financial transactions.
Prothonotary is responsible for recording all documents relating to civil court cases and other non-criminal matters; issues writs; and processes passport applications for the federal government.
Recorder of Deeds maintains all recorded documents relating to land transactions and other matters such as powers of attorney, military discharges, and bonds and commissions of various county elected officials; collects and distributes county and state fees and real estate transfer taxes; and administers oaths to notaries public and records their commissions.
Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court has jurisdiction over the admission of Wills and the appointment of executors named in those Wills, and the appointment of administrators in cases where no valid Will exists or the Will does not name an executor; issues the necessary certificates authorizing executors or administrators to act to administer the affairs of deceased persons; collects inheritance taxes on behalf of the State of Pennsylvania; and issues marriage licenses. Inventories and accounts of administrators, executors and trustees are received in this office for recording and if requested, processing to the Orphans’ Court. Petitions for adoption are filed here. The office also maintains the docket of cases filed in the Orphans’ Court.
Sheriff assists other law enforcement agencies in their work; serves and enforces all court orders; conducts levies and sales of personal property and real estate; transports prisoners; issues concealed weapons permits; and educates the public on firearms safety.
Treasurer receives and deposits all payments of county taxes, fees, grants, and other monies due the county; pays the county’s obligations; invests county funds; and sells licenses for hunting, fishing, dogs, bingo, and small games of chance. The Treasurer chairs the County Investment Board, is Director of Tax Claim and the Treasurer of the Employees' Retirement System, and serves on the County Depository Board.